Archive for July, 2018

The Same Sun Sign

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

“Jack, I’ll be taking a course in Astrology soon,” said Jill.

“That’s nice,” said Jack, “How many people will be on the course?”

“Twenty-five or so, I was told,” said Jill.

“How many people do you think will be Geminis, like you?” said Jack.

“No, idea. What would you say, Jack?”

Jack told her and it turned out he was pretty right.

What would you say was the number of other Geminis Jill met on the Astrology course?


The Deck Split

Sunday, July 29th, 2018

At the Royal Flush card club one evening, there was a lively discussion among its members about splitting a deck of cards into two equal piles after a thorough shuffle, in which, respectively, there would be exactly ten red cards in one pile and exactly ten black cards in the other pile.

Bets were taken for twelve trials to check whether this event would occur at least once.

How much would you bet on this event occurring in the course of twelve such splits?

The Date Lineup

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Wilbur went to a dating club one Saturday evening to pick up a date for dinner.

As he entered The Quick Date Club, he saw what he wanted: a tall brunette with a shapely figure. She had the name Alice displayed on a badge dangling from a well-filled blouse.

The system at the The Quick Date Club was to seat an equal number of men and women at random in a row with eight numbered chairs, the numbers and names to be displayed on a screen on the wall.

The rule was that any female sitting next to a male would be eligible for a date request, unmatched persons to be recycled for the next round.

What would you say was the probability that Wilbur sat next to Alice so he could invite her for dinner?

The Threes Puzzle

Friday, July 13th, 2018

“Daddy, I’d like to have the little red bicycle you see in the shop window over there,” Lenny said pointing, as they were taking a walk along the avenue.

“Sure, Lenny,” said daddy, “If you can solve a little puzzle, I’ll buy it for you right away.”

“Yippee, daddy,” said Lenny enthusiastically, jumping up and down, “tell the puzzle to me right away.”

“Take the number 3 and multiply it by itself 999 times. Then tell me the last digit of the resulting number, Lenny?”

“Hmm…,” said Lenny. “Let’s sit down on that park bench so I can figure it out.”

“Ok, Lenny, take your time,” said daddy.

Lenny sat on the bench with daddy for some minutes with a very concentrated look on his face. Then he brightened up and said “I’ve got the answer, daddy.”

As the answer was correct, they went to the bicycle shop and Lenny came out riding the little red bicycle with a big smile on his face.

What would you say is the last digit in the number resulting from multiplying 3 by itself 999 times?

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