The Curious Amount

Accountant Seymour Smythe III was about to enter a shopping mall with some money in his pocket.

As was his custom before entering any mall, he scribbled the amount of money in his pocket into a small black notebook he carried for this purpose.

While in the mall, Seymour Smythe III spent half of the money in his pocket.

On leaving the mall, Seymour Smythe III pulled out his black notebook again to make an entry of the money he had left after making his purchases.

Looking at his previous entry, he was astounded that the number of dollars in his pocket was equal to half the number of cents he noted in his black notebook before entering the mall to splurge on shopping.

Moreover, the number of cents he had in his pocket on leaving the mall was the same as number of dollars of his previous entry in his black notebook.

Seymour Smythe III thought this was rather curious, if not strange.

…Was the great Accountant in the Sky monitoring his pecuniary activities?

Can you work out the amount of money Seymour Smythe III had in his pocket on entering the mall?


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