The Yo-Yo Sale

Josef Fishbein, owner of the Acme Novelty Store, received a consignment of yo-yos from a supplier in India.

Josef Fishbein offered the yo-yos for sale at the price of one dollar, figuring he would make a handsome profit since there were a lot of kids living in Bearville.

But, sales were poor for quite a while and Josef Fishbein saw his profits float away like a lost balloon.

Then, one afternoon, a happy boy named Dennis came to buy a yo-yo, but did not have quite enough money to pay for it.

As the young boy reminded Josef Fishbein of his grandson Moishe who lived far away, he let Dennis have the yo-yo at a cheaper price, and decided to lower the price to this level for good luck.

Next day, the Acme Novelty Store was flooded with young boys who bought all the yo-yos. Dennis had started a fad of swinging the yo-yo in a loop in a fanciful way, so all his friends had to do it.

Josef Fishbein was very happy to sell his entire stock of yo-yos for $259.79.

Can you work out how many yo-yos Josef Fishbein sold? And the new price?


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