Archive for September 3rd, 2016

The Mayan Gate

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

Indiana Jones faced a large stone gate deep down in a Yucatan cave. He thought it would lead to the inner Earth – to Agartha, the mysterious land discovered by Admiral Richard Byrd after accidentally flying into it through an opening in the North Pole.

Junior held the torch to illuminate the gate, heavily decorated with symbols. The gate had five ornate wheels set into it. Indiana Jones was busy deciphering the Mayan glyphs along with their horizontal lines and dots.

“These glyphs have a very strange message,” growled Indiana Jones, wiping his brow of sweat while staring fixedly at the engraved symbols. “They seem to indicated a code for opening the gate.”

“What do you think the gate leads to,” asked Junior.

“You know, Junior, many of the Maya disappeared suddenly in the tenth century. I think they passed through this gate on their way to the inner Earth,” said Indiana Jones. “And I wonder if the Inca had their own,” he mused.

“Interesting idea. If so, we’ll need lots of provisions. What do the glyphs say?” asked Junior, getting ready to take notes.

“They say: ‘Behold Imix, the whole divides in two or three or four or five or six or seven or eight or nine, always leaving one, but with eleven the whole leaves none.’”

“What kind of gibberish is that, pops,” exclaimed Junior.

“Hmm,” said Indiana Jones, adjusting his hat, “I am beginning to get an idea. Quick, Junior, give me your calculator.”

Can you help Indiana Jones find the gate code indicated by the glyphs?

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