Posts Tagged ‘clay pigeon’

The Speedy Pigeon

Friday, June 30th, 2017

“Hurry, hurry, try your luck, folks. Get lucky and win a thousand dollars with one shot,” shouted the hawker at full lung power to announce the new game stand at the Jolly Woods Amusement Park.

People flocked to the stand in droves to learn more about this intriguing new game. When they arrived they saw a large semicircular amphitheater with a huge screen about 50 m away facing the spectators. The setup reminded them of a drive-in movie theater of old.

They were told that a yellow virtual pigeon with a blinking red light would be shot out on the screen at a very high speed, leaving a trail of light. To win a thousand dollars a player had to hit the pigeon using a special laser gun each seat was equipped with.

One shot cost $10 and players were told that the chance of hitting the speedy virtual pigeon was 4 in a thousand. Payment was via a card slot at each seat, wins immediately transferred to the card.

Another feature was that for $500 a player could once invite up to two hundred friends to simultaneously take a shot at the pigeon for free.

“C’mon Charlie, lets give it a shot,” shouted one burly onlooker, taking a seat and picking up the laser gun.

How many friends would you invite to this game to have a fifty percent chance of hitting the virtual speedy pigeon and winning five hundred dollars?

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