Posts Tagged ‘family ages’

The Family Ages

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Jack asked Fred “How old are your family members?”

“Ten years ago my father was twice my age and my mother’s age was a perfect number,” said Fred.

“That helps with your mother’s age, but I need more information about your father,” said Jack.

“No problem. The square of my father’s age is equal to the year he was born,” replied Fred.

“Ok, got it,” said Jack. “What about your brother and sister?”

“Ten years ago my sister Lara was the same age as my brother Nick is now. In two years my father will be half the age his father was when he died,” said Fred.

“Very interesting,” said Jack.

“My great grandfather told my father he would be reborn in a year equal to one quarter of a perfect number, which is when Nick’s turtle – that my great grandfather gave to my father newly hatched ten years before he died – will probably die,” said Fred.

“How nice, any more info?” said Jack.

“My sister Lara’s age is a divisor of the cross sum of the turtle’s present age,” said Fred.

“And what about your grandfather’s age?” asked Jack.

“When my father was born my grandfather was as old as half the sum of my mother’s age and that of my father’s ten years ago,” said Fred.

“Gee thanks, I’ll go and think about it,” said Jack and walked off.

What do you say are the ages of these family members, including the turtle.

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