Posts Tagged ‘inheritance’

The Sheikh’s Inheritance

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

Sheikh Ali ben Sharif ibn Baba’s reign was passing through turbulent times, so he decided to make a will.

The Sheikh felt that he might soon move on to happier spheres and wanted to divide his wealth among his living sons. Sheikh Ali ben Sharif ibn Baba had many wives, properties, houses, tents, camels, goats and great wealth.

“Mustafa, in addition to the oldest one inheriting my title and goods, I want to give an equal monetary sum to all my living sons after I pass away,” he instructed his trusted right-hand man, who wore a red fez with tassels.

“You will divide 275 million dollars among them equally, but only with my living sons. The shares of those who are no longer alive will be available equally for my living sons. The former will have joined me in my heavenly kingdom and won’t need any more dollars.”

“Your wish is my command, master,” replied Mustafa, the loyal servant, bowing reverently.

Some time later, Sheikh Ali ben Sharif ibn Baba passed away to his heavenly abode and Mustafa got busy carrying out the instructions of his master’s will.

After all accounts were settled, it turned out that each surviving son received 14 million dollars more than he would have received if all of Sheikh Ali ben Sharif ibn Baba’s sons at the time of making the will had been alive.

The surviving sons were overjoyed at their good fortune. Mustafa was happy to have fulfilled his master’s wishes and started his duties with the new Sheikh, Abdullah.

How many sons did Sheikh Ali ben Sharif ibn Baba have at the time of making his will, and how many survived him?

The Gold Coin Inheritance

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

The 98-year-old and widowered multi-billionaire Sir Horatio Holmes summoned his two sons, James and Arthur, and his daughter Guinevere, for an inheritance chat at his country estate “The Meadows.” Jeeves, the butler was also present.

“Welcome children, I will be leaving you for the parallel world within a month, so I have decided to divide up your inheritance,” he announced with a fatherly smile.

“But father,” protested the three, “you are not that old yet. You certainly look quite young.”

“Yes indeed, as you all know my daily Five Tibetan exercises keep my chakras spinning at a young man’s rate,” he laughed. There’s no need to be decrepit in one’s old age. As I have told you often, my advice is to stay away from doctor’s prescriptions, use natural food and medicine, exercise well and think young.”

“No matter, I have completed what I came here to learn and wish to move on for further development of my capabilities until the next time,” Sir Holmes stated firmly. “I will give you one week’s notice so you can attend my departure with a proper orange-light ceremony and sandalwood incense.”

James, Arthur and Guinevere nodded acquiescence as they had long since learned that it was futile to argue with their father.

“Very well,” said Sir Holmes, “let us proceed.”

“You, James, take one third of the gold coins from the pile placed on the desk. Each gold coin represents a billion pounds sterling. The sun suddenly shone through the window reflecting its golden rays from the coins.

James counted the gold coins in the pile. “Father,” he said, “there is one coin too many to divide the pile into three equal parts.

“No matter, give one to Jeeves,” chuckled Sir Holmes.

James gave one of the gold coins to the smiling Jeeves and removed one third of the coins from the pile.

“Now it’s your turn, Arthur,” said Sir Holmes.

Arthur counted the remaining coins, finding one too many to divide into three parts. At that very moment a crow flew in the window and grabbed one gold coin in its beak and flew out again before anyone could react.

“Blasted crow,” exclaimed Jeeves, shaking a fist in the direction of the window.

“I say,” said Arthur and took a third part of the remaining coins.

“Now it is your turn, Guinevere,” said Sir Holmes.

Guinevere counted the coins in the remaining pile. “There is one too many to divide by three,” said Guinevere.

“Jeeves, hurry up and take the coin before the crow does,” smiled Sir Holmes. Jeeves did not waste a millisecond.

Guinevere removed a third of the remaining coins from the pile.

“Father, there is one too many coins to be able to divide the pile further into three parts,” she stated.

“Give it to Jeeves and then divide the remaining coins equally among you three to be placed in trust for your children,” said Sir Holmes.

James, Arthur and Guinevere collected a third part each for their offspring, leaving no gold coins behind.

Jeeves bowed to Sir Holmes. “My undying gratitude to you Sir. Now, with your permission I’m going to get my shotgun to hunt crow,” rushing out the door after a nod from Sir Holmes.

“Thank  you so much, dear father,” they stated in unison.

“My pleasure, let’s have some lunch,” smiled Sir Holmes and escorted them out the door.


What was the minimum amount of Sir Holmes’ fortune?

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