Posts Tagged ‘rumors’

Rumor Spreading

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

“Welcome to a special promotional event sponsored by ACME Innovations Inc.,” said PR Jane Doe, speaking enthusiastically into a microphone to a hundred guests gathered in a large salon.

“ACME Innovation Inc. has developed a special velcro sticker which has been designed to test the spreading of rumors. It displays a number on a small LCD screen. By reading a persons’ unique vitality field, the number is incremented by one on being handed to someone else,” explained Jane Doe pleasantly.

“When you receive it, please pass on the sticker someone nearby. I’ll be mingling with you all and when the badge returns to me by this process of random handovers, whoever in advance has correctly guessed the number that will be displayed on the badge will win a thousand dollars,” said Jane Doe.

“Please enter you name and the number you estimate or guess on a slip of paper that you will find on the table over there by the entrance and place it in the box,” said Jane Doe, indicating the table.

Jane Doe stuck the velcro sticker on the first person nearby, and the procedure begun.

What is your estimate of the most probable number on the badge when it is returned by a random path to Jane Doe?

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