Posts Tagged ‘card probabilities’

The Flying Card

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

At the Lucky Duck casino Nick, the dealer, was sitting at a green felt table and practicing fancy acrobatic shuffles with a deck of cards when suddenly one card flew away and sailed into a nearby plant bed with some petunias and foliage.

“I’ll bet ya 100 bucks you can’t figure out if da card dat just flew away from your deck is a red or a black one,” said Carmine, the floor overseer who happened to be walking by and observe the event.

“You’re on,” said Nick, “on one condition.”

“What’s dat,” replied Carmine with some suspicion.

“That I draw 13 cards from the deck at random,” said Nick.

“Ok, sure,” said Carmine, “no problem, Nick, go ahead an pull dem.”

Nick then drew 13 cards at random from the deck and they all turned out to be black cards.

Then Nick pulled out a calculator, a notepad and a pen and got busy making some calculations.

After some minutes had passed Nick proudly announced: “The card is red, Carmine, go and check it out.”

Carmine walked over to the flower bed and picked up a red card.

“Jeez, Nick, how did ya figger dat out?”

“Give me the 100 bucks and buy me a beer and I’ll tell you all about how to make a pretty sure bet,” said Nick.


Can you figure out how Nick knew that the card most likely was a red one?

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